Music Therapy

We are excited to introduce Angela Burla OT, who has recently joined our team. Angela is an Occupational Therapist, as well as a certified Music Therapist. Music therapy is very complimentary to our sensory approach.

Music stimulates all of the senses and is highly motivating, yet it can also have a calming and relaxing effect. It encourages socialization, communication and motor development. The brain processes music in both hemispheres, so can also stimulate cognitive functioning and may also be used to help speech/language development.

Music therapists (or Angela) involve children in singing, listening, moving, playing and in creative activities that may help them become better learners. She also works on developing self awareness, confidence, readiness skills, coping skills and social behavior. The music based treatment plan is developed specifically for each individual.

The Therapy Place will now be offering individual and group music therapy sessions. Please contact us for additional information at 952-885-0418.

Check out our current Music Therapy workshops here!