Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a system for communication of all forms, other than oral speech, that allows a person to express their thoughts, needs, ideas and wants. AAC could be an augmentative aid such as picture symbol system or an alternative communication system such as an electronic voice output device.

For a child or adult who has significant difficulty expressing their basic wants and needs or whose communication skills are not as advanced as their cognitive abilities, may benefit from an AAC device. Some common causes of significant expressive communication disorders include: cerebral palsy, autism, head injury, mental retardation, physical disabilities, Parkinson’s, ALS and stroke. Person’s affected by these disorders may benefit from some form of AAC.

At The Therapy Place, our speech-language pathologists work hard to help children and adults communicate to the best of their ability. We work closely with DynaVox systems, but are able to work with other commercially available systems such as Prenke Romich, Tobii, iPad and iTouch. We are able to assess and give professional opinions on whether an augmentative and alternative communication system is appropriate for a client and what type of system would be best. An assessment at The Therapy Place is the best way to determine which device would be appropriate for you or your loved one. A variety of systems including: picture symbols, programmable switches, voice output devices and dynamic displays are available for onsite trial at the time of the evaluation.

Please call The Therapy Place at (952) 885-0418 to request an AAC evaluation or to set up ongoing therapy or consultation visits. A staff member will contact you to gain more information to help guide you through the evaluation and/or treatment process. We look forward to hearing from you.