Starting Therapy

What you need to know

The Therapy Session:
Occupational Therapy: Your occupational therapist (OT) has 60 minutes set aside for your child. Approximately 50 minutes of the hour are direct treatment. The last 10 minutes are reserved for discussing current issues relating to your child and to collaborate with you regarding home programming (both written and verbal). Progress notes are written and treatment plans are updated every 90 days. 

Speech/Language Therapy: Your speech-language pathologist (SLP) has 30 minutes set aside for your child. Approximately 25 minutes are for direct treatment and the last 5 minutes are reserved for discussing current issues relating to your child and to collaborate with you regarding home programming (both written and verbal). Progress notes are written and treatment plans are updated every 90 days.

Therapy sessions are scheduled as weekly or bi-weekly appointments. They are standing, recurring appointments.

Please arrive on time for each session.

All co-pays are due at the time of each service.

Accounts must be paid in full prior to the time of service.

Please keep your children under supervision in the waiting area at all times. We have other children coming in who have sensory concerns and loud noises can be very disruptive to these children. We ask that you help your child respect the furniture and keep all crayons and markers at home.

Siblings are welcome to be in the waiting room. However, they are not allowed in the treatment gyms due to liability reasons.

Treatment Necessities:
Play shorts and shirt for the purposes of working on dressing skills as well as for maximizing sensory experiences. Each child has a bin that we will keep their clothes in and wash when needed.

Extra underwear or diaper, if applicable